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ùÑÇáÌÇú åÀøÉàùÑ çÉãÆùÑ

Scripture References

See bƏ-Mi•dƏbar 10.10; 28.11-15; ShƏmu•eil Âlëph 20.18; Mәlâkh•im Beit 4.23; Ho•sheia 2.13; •mos 8.5 and Yәsha•yâhu 66.23.

Women's Celebration

Rosh •Khodësh has long been recognized as a women's holiday. In the Talmud [Ma•sëkët Mәgil•âh 22b], we read that women are exempt from work on Rosh •Khodësh. Why do women merit a special holiday once a month? In Mid•râsh Pirqe dәRabi Eliezer, chapter 45, we are told that in the incident of the Golden Calf mask, the women refused to relinquish their earrings to the men who were smelting the calf. As a reward, gave them an extra holy day each month, free from work. It is customary, if one has new clothing not yet worn, to wear new clothing on Rosh •Khodësh, in celebration of the day's special character.

Men can add to Rosh •Khodësh by volunteering to do the dishes, vacuum or laundry and bringing home (moon-shaped) crescent rolls for the ër•ëv meal. When practical, a special wine (including sparkling) or apéritif, as well as a special fruit (e.g. pomegranate) for dessert, may contribute to making the festival meal special.

Women are encouraged to use this evening to start a women's Rosh •Khodësh group. Rosh •Khodësh groups began in the early 1970's, as women gathered to explore the nature of women's spirituality and the role of Jewish women in ritual. The small group nature of Rosh •Khodësh also served to provide a forum for women's studies and support. Through the years, ceremonies of various kinds have arisen out of these groups, involving a variety of themes (most prominently rebirth, renewal, fertility, nature, and the life cycle), ritual elements (including, but not limited to: tzәdâq•âh, candles, feasting, water imagery), foods (such as fruits containing seeds, round khal•ot, crescent-shaped rolls, egg dishes, sprout salads), and liturgical elements (singing of Ha•leil, Tәhil•im and Birk•at ha-Mâ•zon). Each group has its own character, shaped by the participants and serving their unique needs.

(Parts paraphrased from www.jewishvirtuallibrary.org.)


Tor•âh placed øÉàùÑ çÉãÆùÑ on a par with the Khaj•im (bƏ-Mi•dƏbar 10.10). A special Mu•sâph was ordained in bƏ-Mi•dƏbar 28.11-15.

"Originally [øÉàùÑ çÉãÆùÑ] was not fixed by astronomical calculations, but was solemnly proclaimed after witnesses had testified to the reappearance of the crescent of the new moon. On the 30th of each [Judaic] month, the members of the [Beit Din hâ-Jâ•dol] in a courtyard in [Yәrushâ•layim], named [áÌÅéú éÇòÂæÅ÷], where they waited to receive the testimony of two reliable witnesses; they then sanctified [øÉàùÑ çÉãÆùÑ]. If the moon's crescent was not seen on the 30th day [e.g., because of overcast], [øÉàùÑ çÉãÆùÑ] was automatically celebrated on the 31st day. To inform the population of the beginning of the month, beacons [fires] were kindled on [Har ha-Zeit•im] and thence over the entire land and in parts of the [Gâl•ut]. Later, however, the Samaritans began to light misleading beacons, and the [Beit Din hâ-Jâ•dol] dispatched messengers to far-removed communities. Those Jews who lived great distances from [Yәrushâ•layim] always celebrated the 30th day of the month as [øÉàùÑ çÉãÆùÑ]. On those occasions when they were informed of its postponement to the 31st, they also observed this second consecutive day as [øÉàùÑ çÉãÆùÑ]." (New Moon, Ency. Jud., 12.1039).


  1. ùÑÇçÂøÄéú.
    1. Pray (àÁìÉäÅéðåÌ åÅàìÉäÅé àÂáåÉúÅéðåÌ) éÇòÂìÆä åÀéÈáÉà near the end of the A•mid•âh (in øÀöÅä ).

    2. Pray äÇìÌÅì to conclude the A•mid•âh (before the Qa•dish).

    3. úÌåÉøÈä reading is the Pâ•râsh•at Shâ•vua

    4. îÇôÀèÄéø:

    5. äÇôèÈøÈä:

      ‭ ‬ éùòéä ñ"å à'-ë"ã (Yәsha•yâhu 66.1-24) takes precedence over the regularly scheduled Haph•târ•âh′  selection, but not over a special Shab•ât′  (like Shab•ât Shәqal•im, etc.).

      Note 66.23: åÀäÈéÈä, îÄãÌÅé-çÉãÆùÑ áÌÀçÈãÀùÑåÉ, åÌîÄãÌÅé-ùÑÇáÌÇú áÌÀùÑÇáÌÇúÌåÉ; éÈáÀåÉà ëÈì-áÌÈùÒÈø‮;

      For Christians who believe in the Displacement Theology that was prophesied by Dâniy•eil 7.25 (e.g. displacing ùÑÇáÌÇú with Sun-god-day) it is inconsistent to be looking forward to messianic days in which they will be required to observe ùÑÇáÌÇú—if they survive (for which see Yәsha•yâhu 66.24)!

  2. îåÌñÈó
    1. Include àÇúÌÈä éÈöÇøÀúÌÈ in the A•mid•âh.

5770 (2010.10)

àÈîÇø øÄáÌÄé éÀäåÉùÑËòÇ

Tor•âh Translation Mid•râsh Ribi Yәho•shua (NHM) NHM
Yәsha•yâhu 66.1,3,17

Thus •mar é--ä, "The heavens are ëÌÄñÀàÄé and hâ-•ârëtz is My footstool. What Bayit is it that you would build for Me? And what place would be My haven?" … 3 The sho•kheit is the assaulter of men; the sacrificer of the sëh is the breaker of a dog's neck; the one who brings up a Mi•nƏkh•âh [is bringing up] pig's blood; the frankincense memorial is îÀáÈøÅêÀ âwën. They have also chosen their ways and shi•qutz•im are the desires of their nәphâsh•ot17 

  1. äÇîÌÄúÀ÷ÇãÌÀùÑÄéí åÀäÇîÌÄèÌÇäÂøÄéí to the gardens, one after another inside, [along with]

  2. eaters of

    1. pig meat,

    2. the shëqëtz and

    3. the mouse;

will be consumed together, declares é--ä.

Yәsha•yâhu 65.3-5a

The am who angers Me to My Face perpetually; who sacrifice in their gardens and burn incense on tiles; 4 who sit in tombs åÌáÇðÀÌöåÌøÄéí they lodge; eaters of pig meat, and the soup of ôÌÄâÌËìÄéí of their utensils; 5 Who say, "Stay where you are! Don't touch me, ÷ÀãÇùÑÀúÌÄéêÈ

Again, you’ve heard the Oral Law concerning: 5.21.1 'Don't perjure yourself swearing in My Name' 5.33.0 and 'You shall render to  1.22.1 according to your oaths.' 5.33.1 I tell you absolutely 5.34.1 not to perjure 5.34.2 yourself—neither "by heavens" 3.2.2 because it is the throne 23.2.1 of Ël•oh•im, 35 nor by hâ-•ârëtz 2.20.0 because it is the footstool of His feet,5.35.1 nor by Yәrushâ•layim because it is the ir 2.23.0 of the mëlëkh,5.35.2 great is he.


When he had come to the south 8.28.1 side of Yâm Ki•nërët, into the region of the Gedeirin,8.28.2 two demon-possessed ones,4.24.1 coming from out of the sepulchers,27.60.0 confronted 8.28.3 him. They were very contrary, so that no one was strong enough to pass along through that way.3.3.3

29 Look… they cried out saying, "What business have we together, we and you,8.29.0 son 2.15.1 of Ël•oh•im? Have you come before the time to trouble and destroy us?” Then Ribi Yәho•shua told them, "Go forth from there bad camp-members!" 8.29.1

30 There, nearer than them,8.30.1 was a herd of many pigs feeding. 31 The demonic-forces 4.24.1 requested forbearance 8.31.1 of him saying, "If you throw us out, send us 8.31.2 to go into the pigs." 8.31.3 32  He said to them, "Go innocuously!" Having come out, they went away into the herd.8.32.1 Then look… the entire herd rushed toward a steep embankment of Yâm Ki•nërët, slipped off into the lake 8.32.2 and died in the water.


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